Follow my blog with Bloglovin Casa Bella: Color of the week: Sexy Red

Mar 1, 2010

Color of the week: Sexy Red

I went to purchase paint samples yesterday and a lady at the store caught my attention. While I was focusing on soft blue and tan shades like seaside and flax, she was buying two gallons of bright red paint to match a white fabric with beautiful, big red poppies. Two gallons. That was a woman on a mission to spice up a room. Had I known her, I would have given her a standing ovation, but I am not that crazy just yet.
So, in honor of the unknown woman who yesterday inspired me to be more brave with color, I hereby declare this first week of March: Sexy Red Week. Let's get started with these pics today:

CREDITS: living room; red poppies wall art; coffee cups; flower print; kitchen; chair; pillows; bedding.

Stay tuned for more red tomorrow!


  1. Ooooh!! Acabo de descubrir tu blog y me han enamorado las cosas que publicas.
    Tenemos un estilo muy parecido creo.
    Te invito a que pases por mi casa "decoratualma", me encantará conocerte!!!

    Te sigo desde España y te coloco entre mis blogs recomendados.


  2. Great images! That bedding in particular is terrific! What a pretty site! Marija

  3. Gracias Creatura! Estoy siguiendo tu blog y lo pondre en mi lista tambien. Hermoso!

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Marija. I love the bedding as well. It's one of those timeless beauties.

  5. Sexy red week?! I can play that game!! Love the images...can't wait to see what else you show us!

  6. thanks, Linda! By the way, your blog is so much fun!

  7. Silvia,
    I love your header!!! I am always in love with flowers. Too funny about the breakfast wars at your house!

  8. Oh, I like this post...she was woman with great confidence to paint red!Great images.
